May 2020

Beautiful spring greetings to all, as we have continued to “shelter in place” here in North Carolina. I will continue to keep you all updated as things change, but for now, all counseling appointments and private yoga sessions continue to be by phone or Skype and group yoga classes and HSP groups are on “pause”. Please take these days of “pause” and use them well, reflecting, prioritizing, and thinking about what you want your future to be. Try to resist the impulse to stay busy “on line”. Below under Sacred Words, are some great thoughts from Judith Orloff on fasting from technology. Instead, look to Nature, the great healer. The month of May offers us so much beauty to soothe our souls at this time. See you at a distance outside!


Sacred Words ~ this month’s wisdom quote

Especially right now, we can be inundated by information overload from the internet, voice mail, social media, texts, and the news. Many sensitive people can experience “techno-despair”. Notice how you feel after exposure to technology. If you feel depressed, anxious, numb, or overwhelmed, get some relief by limiting your contact with the cyber world. Of course there are many benefits to technology, but it can often be an energy drain, especially for empaths.
To center yourself in the present moment, get in the habit of taking regular technology fasts. Don’t check your email for a while. Eat a delicious lunch instead. Shut down your computer and other gadgets early in the evening. Here’s an intention to set:

“I will notice if I have symptoms of techno-despair. To counter this, I will take regular breaks from technology to clear my mind and nourish my soul.” by Judith Orloff
Website to check for class schedules, etc.,
FengShui/sacred space consultations:
For psychotherapy services:

Service Opportunity
Mata Shakti Ashram welcomes your support! How can you help?
Time and Talent: help with yard and garden maintenance, upkeep of classroom and workshop/training spaces, vegetarian raw food prep, help with social media and technology. Talk to your friends and personal community about Mata Shakti Ashram, for we are truly “grass roots”!Finance/Funds: Donations of money to assist Mata Shakti Ashram pay the overhead cost for the current space, pay guest teachers, and provide some scholarships to those in need. Let us know how much you are willing to pledge monthly or yearly over the next year to 5 years, as we prepare the non-profit status. Every donation will receive a class pass to share with a friend to acquaint them with the ashram.

Thanks to Janna Arbogast, Brian Cooper, Catherine, Kevin Millar, Lisa Brown, Sahej Anand Kaur, Jennifer Pittman, Lindy Hoeft, Joni Liebel, Michelle Hill, Sat Inder Kaur and Karta Purkh Singh of Kansas City’s Param Tirath Ashram, Elke/Keval McCalla, Ranpreet Kaur, Shirin Negmodjanova, Connie Boston, Mary Radulescu, Barbara Lynn Freed, Updesh Kaur, Florence, Wasalisa Davison, Harbhajan Khalsa, Param Terath Kaur and Ashley Jackson, who have already given their support!

Stay tuned for an open house, and contact HarDarshan for more information: 919-257-7814 or