Sacred Listener is the online home of HarDarshan K. Khalsa, MA, LCMHC. HarDarshan is a certified mental health counselor, a seasoned Kundalini yoga practitioner, teacher, and teacher trainer , and a minister of Sikh philosophy. As a hospital chaplain, she has been trained as an interfaith minister and has deeply studied the mystical wisdom traditions of the world.
Whatever your faith (or none), HarDarshan can help lead you to your own inner wisdom, using tools from many paths. She values spiritual encouragement and thinking mystically rather than through the lens of pathology and patriarchy.
“HarDarshan, I’ve always felt you’ve been by my side in my healing journey. That we walk through the challenges together. There have been times when I’ve needed to lean on you more than others but you were always next to me. I’m grateful for your support.”
All counseling testimonials are unsolicited. The names have been changed to protect confidentiality.
Psycho-Spiritual Counseling
She gives you the support to hear the voice of your own spirit and reminds you that YOU CAN have the inner change of perspective that gets you the change you want.
Restorative Yoga & Meditation
The spiritual traditions of India have served humanity for thousands of years, and the oldest item of worship is a feminine one.
In-Home Energy Consultations
Our physical spaces both reflect and influence our states of mind.