Dark Chocolate Strawberries

We are coming upon strawberry season here in North Carolina! Strawberries are so delightful just by themselves, but if you want to “dress them up” a bit, here’s a fun and raw recipe!

2 TB raw cacao butter or coconut oil (put this in a bowl placed in a hot water bath to melt)
1/4 C  raw cacao powder
1 1/2 TB maple syrup or raw agave nectar
1/2 tsp. vanilla powder
10 strawberries

In a glass bowl, blend all ingredients in the order above. If the chocolate becomes too thick, put the glass bowl in a warm water bath to re-melt the cacao butter or coconut oil. Hold each strawberry firmly by the stem and dip 3/4 of it into the chocolate sauce. Rotate in the chocolate but do not completely cover it so a little of the red strawberry shows. Place a piece of wax paper on a cutting board for the the chocolate dipped strawberries to lay on. Pop in the freezer for 3 -5 minutes to allow the chocolate to harden. Serve on a white plate for visual appeal.