Class Schedule
A Restorative and Kundalini Yoga Workshop
Oriental, NC
Sunday, September 15 1-3:30 pm
Fee: $40
With seasoned Kundalini yoga instructor HarDarshan Khalsa
Location: Prasada Yoga, 705 Broad St., Oriental, NC 28571
Contact Jessica to register: 252-514-8091 | prasadayoga23@gmail.com
Or sign up at the studio if you are local to Oriental
We will begin with reflecting on what you have harvested this summer. Bring any writing, drawing, or coloring materials you would like to use to mark your successes. Then we will do a restorative yoga practice to open and warm up the body gently, and to give yourself the opportunity to really integrate your harvest.
After a break, we will focus on what we want to create this fall. Fall can be a time to call in joy and creativity. We will practice Kundalini yoga and meditation to awaken these qualities in ourselves.
Prepare yourself for the change of seasons with this fun afternoon!
If you don’t live near Oriental, this is a great opportunity to have a weekend in Emerald Isle or Atlantic Beach, and then take the Ferry over to Oriental, which is the sweetest sailing town on the Neuse River. With a fabulous yoga studio!
Sacred Words
this month’s wisdom quote
“We must practice love just as we practice yoga or practice medicine, etc. It’s not enough to ‘be in love’ or to say we love. It is a constant practice of how we show up for one another. May we all practice love in each moment.”

Sacred Table
this month’s recipe for health and happiness!
Fabulous Green Juice!
This is my favorite juice recipe and serves 2
2 apples
2 cups coarsely chopped pineapple
1 inch ginger root
1 bunch celery
1 cup loosely packed parsley
Run everything through your juicer and enjoy! If you don’t have a juicer, you can blend the ingredients and then strain.