Raw Golden Milk

Some of you are already familiar with the healing properties of Golden Milk. It is a great anti-inflammatory drink, and tastes wonderful, as well! Here is a raw version of this healthy beverage: (Yields 3 cups)

2 cups pure water
1/2 cup of raw nuts or seeds of your choice
(I’ve recently used cashews and pumpkin seeds – you could also use pine nuts, sesame seeds, almonds, pecans, or a combination!)
1 TB unrefined coconut oil
1/8 tsp. cinnamon powder
Agave syrup – sweeten to taste
1 TB turmeric powder or diced fresh root
1TB fresh ginger root
Please all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
(Be careful with this drink – turmeric stains!)
Drink and listen to your joints thanking you!