October 2022 Happy Fall! And WELCOME BACK!!!!

It’s been a year since I sent out a newsletter, and a year since I have offered weekly yoga/meditation classes!
I have missed all of you.
For me, this year has been a time of going deep. Deep solitude, silence, and a deep exploration into the mystical and spiritual traditions of the world. All of this informs the upcoming yoga series on Zoom:
“The Kundalini Yogi as Mystic”
I hope you can join me! And because we will still be meeting on zoom, you can share this with your friends wherever they may be in the world! (I do plan to get back to in person classes, but Covid remains present at the moment).
May this fall season bring you peace and joy, and I hope to see you soon!

I also wanted to share a photo of the newest residents here at Mata Shakti. They arrived in April! Honeybees are emissaries of the Divine Mother….

Note: There is space at Mata Shakti for personal retreats, with 3 guestrooms, yoga space, and mini kitchen. Contact me for more details.