May 2019

May in North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places to be!

Come join us this month for a Thursday night class, and check out the informational meeting about teacher training if you’ve been curious!

Free Informational Meeting about Teacher Training!
Thursday May 9 at 8 pm after regular yoga class
Have some Yogi tea, talk with past graduates, look at the textbooks, and get your questions answered!
Register by June 1 and save $200

website to check for class schedules, etc.,

  FengShui/sacred space consultations:

   For psychotherapy services:

(Next HSP class will be held on May 8)

Service Opportunity

Mata Shakti Ashram welcomes your support! How can you help?

Time and Talent: help with yard and garden maintenance, upkeep of classroom and workshop/training spaces, vegetarian raw food prep, help with social media and technology. Talk to your friends and personal community about Mata Shakti Ashram, for we are truly “grass roots”!

Finance/Funds: Donations of money to assist Mata Shakti Ashram pay the overhead cost for the current space, pay guest teachers, and provide some scholarships to those in need. Let us know how much you are willing to pledge monthly or yearly over the next year to 5 years, as we prepare the non-profit status. Every donation will receive a class pass to share with a friend to acquaint them with the ashram.

Thanks to Kevin Millar, Lisa Brown, Sahej Anand Kaur, Jennifer Pittman, Lindy Hoeft, Joni Liebel, Michelle Hill, Sat Inder Kaur and Karta Purkh Singh of Kansas City’s Param Tirath Ashram, Elke/Keval McCalla, Ranpreet Kaur, Shirin Negmodjanova, Connie Boston, Mary Radulescu, Barbara Lynn Freed, Updesh Kaur, Florence, Wasalisa Davison, Harbhajan Khalsa and Ashley Jackson, who have already given their support!

Stay tuned for an open house, and contact HarDarshan for more information: 919-257-7814 or