May 2017

In this beautiful green month of freshness, my thoughts turn to the meaning of purity. Looking up the meaning of the word purity, this is what I find: “Freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, pollutes, etc. Freedom from guilt or evil; innocence. Clearness, clarity, freshness, goodness, saintliness, honesty, integrity.” Purity is associated with understanding, patience, and kindness.
Let this month bring you also to a reflection on purity. How pure can your diet be? How pure can  your thoughts become as you direct them in meditation? How clear and pure can your communication be? See what happens!

Just a reminder that the website to check for class schedules, etc., is now

You can also find out about my FengShui/sacred space consultations at

I will continue to include information about special events related to my counseling practice in this newsletter, and will be the website focused on the psychotherapy services that I offer. Group classes for The Highly Sensitive Person will be held on May 10, May 24, and June 7.

Level One Kundalini Yoga teacher training

Free information meeting on Thursday, May 18 at 8 pm. Have some Yogi Tea, meet the Lead Trainer and past graduates, peruse the textbooks, and ask questions! Register with HarDarshan: 

The next Level One Kundalini Yoga teacher training will begin in September!
Consider joining us for what many have said is “The best thing I have ever done for myself, the best decision I ever made!”

Service Opportunity

Mata Shakti Ashram welcomes your support! How can you help?
Time and Talent: help with yard and garden maintenance, upkeep of classroom and workshop/training spaces, vegetarian raw food prep, help with social media and technology. Talk to your friends and personal community about Mata Shakti Ashram, for we are truly “grass roots”!

Finance/Funds: Donations of money to assist Mata Shakti Ashram pay the overhead cost for the current space, pay guest teachers, and provide some scholarships to those in need. Let us know how much you are willing to pledge monthly or yearly over the next year to 5 years, as we prepare the non-profit status. Every donation will receive a class pass to share with a friend to acquaint them with the ashram.

Thanks to Lisa Brown, Jennifer Pittman, Lindy Hoeft, Joni Liebel, Michelle Hill, Sat Inder Kaur and Karta Purkh Singh of Kansas City’s Param Tirath Ashram, Elke Dickerson, Ranpreet Kaur, and Ashleigh Jackson, who have already given their support!

Stay tuned for an open house, and contact HarDarshan for more information: 919-257-7814 or