March 2017

Spring is coming! March 20 at 6:29 is the exact time of the equinox. All your winter planning is springing into action now. Wake up your spirit along with the plants and everything else that’s been hibernating all winter!
In case you’re wondering about the change in the newsletter:
What does “Mata Shakti Ashram” mean?
*The word “Mata” means “mother” in India. In Portuguese and Spanish, the word “Mata” means wood or forest, and Mata Shakti Ashram is located in a quiet wooded setting.
*The word “Shakti” means empowerment and primordial cosmic energy. Shakti represents the dynamic forces of feminine divine energy that move through the entire universe.
*The word “Ashram” means the locus of activity for spiritual practices.Mata Shakti Ashram will be filing for non-profit status, and is asking for your help as we determine how best to move forward. If you are interested in finding out how you can support this center of spiritual  practice, contact me:

Just a reminder that the website to check for class schedules, etc., is now
You can also find out about my FengShui/sacred space consultations at
I will continue to include information about special events related to my counseling practice in this newsletter, and will be the website focused on the psychotherapy services that I offer.