Happy New Year, Everyone!

2016I know we all are going through many changes. In the beginning of a new year, we often reflect on time – time that has passed, as well as the time ahead of us. Take the opportunity this month to mindfully set your intentions about how you will spend your time wisely this year. How can you organize your time to realize your goals for 2016?


durgaDurga’s Magic Closet! at Carolina Kundalini Yoga in Chapel Hill. New and gently used clothing, lots of white, natural fibers. Prices from $2 – $30. Come find a bargain!

Shop before or after class or make an appointment: (919) 257-7814 or hardarshan@sacredlistener.com.  Some great books & CDs for sale, too!


Service Opportunity

beeinvetchA great way to begin the new year is to spread your joy and prosperity to others. www.heifer.org/catalog is an organization you can contact to make a gift of honeybees to a needy family. $30 will provide a family with bees, a box and hive, and training in beekeeping. Bees help families from Uganda to Haiti earn income through the sale of honey and beeswax. Plus, when placed strategically, beehives can as much as double some fruit and vegetable yields through natural pollination. In this way, a beehive can be a boost to a whole village.