February 2017

February is often one of the coldest months of the year. This is a great time to connect to what warms your heart, enlivens your spirit, and encourages your mind. Keeping your spirits up through a good practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation can help! See Classes & Workshops for this month’s offerings at the ashram.

In case you’re wondering about the change in the newsletter:
What does “Mata Shakti Ashram” mean?
*The word “Mata” means “mother” in India. In Portuguese and Spanish, the word “Mata” means wood or forest, and Mata Shakti Ashram is located in a quiet wooded setting.
*The word “Shakti” means empowerment and primordial cosmic energy. Shakti represents the dynamic forces of feminine divine energy that move through the entire universe.
*The word “Ashram” means the locus of activity for spiritual practices.

Mata Shakti Ashram will be filing for non-profit status, and is asking for your help as we determine how best to move forward. If you are interested in finding out how you can support this center of spiritual  practice, contact me: hardarshan@matashaktiashram.org

Just a reminder that the website to check for class schedules, etc., is now www.matashaktiashram.org.

You can also find out about my FengShui/sacred space consultations at www.sacrednest.com

I will continue to include information about special events related to my counseling practice in this newsletter, and www.sacredlistener.com will be the website focused on the psychotherapy services that I offer. Contact me for information about the new classes for The Highly Sensitive Person which will begin in February.

Service Opportunity

Mata Shakti Ashram welcomes your support! How can you help?

Time and Talent: help with yard and garden maintenance, upkeep of classroom and workshop/training spaces, vegetarian raw food prep, help with social media and technology. Talk to your friends and personal community about Mata Shakti Ashram, for we are truly “grass roots”!

Finance/Funds: Donations of money to assist Mata Shakti Ashram pay the overhead cost for the current space, pay guest teachers, and provide some scholarships to those in need. Let us know how much you are willing to pledge monthly or yearly over the next year to 5 years, as we prepare the non-profit status. Every donation will receive a class pass to share with a friend to acquaint them with the ashram.

Thanks to Lisa Brown, Jennifer Pittman, Lindy Hoeft, Joni Liebel, and Michelle Hill, who have already given their support!
Stay tuned for an open house, and contact HarDarshan for more information: 919-257-7814 or hardarshan@matashaktiashram.org

Durga’s Magic Closet!

The closet is making some changes, also! All yogic white clothing is now in the Free Box! All books are also free! All yogic music CDs are $5.
Shop before or after class or make an appointment: (919) 257-7814 or hardarshan@sacredlistener.com